Friday, April 25, 2014

My Little Cousin's Belated Birthday Card

Yesterday I failed miserably to wish my little cousin a happy birthday, so I wanted to redeem myself by making her a quick sketch of herself, she loves when I draw stuff, so here it is. I hope she likes it and forgives me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Environment and Backgrounds

So after having my characters figured out, I then move on to start thinking, planning and designing the world in which the characters that I created would inhabit. I started out sketching my ideas in pencil, very rough and after that I started making small thumbnail roughs to understand, get the basic composition and get the placement of the objects in it, as well as many options to choose from and decide the one that best reads and makes the audience interested in. I will refine the design and work on the stylization when i blow the drawing up and ink it.  After looking at these small rough thumbnails #3 is the one I was looking for.

Practice Sketches

These are some charcoal life drawings and the last one a digital drawing using a photo reference. These are just sketches I did to practice and just let my mind rest from the ongoing projects I've been working on.